Justin Bieber must be the most overexposed person of the year, along with Lady Gaga. But let's focus on Bieber Boy.
"JB" started by posting videos on Youtube, until he was discovered by Usher and Justin Timberlake. They both offered him a recording contract, and Justin went with Usher.
Since then, Justin has been all over the radio, the TV, Facebook, Twitter, and god knows what else ! Terrible...
His number 1 hit "Baby" brought him some good and some bad. This song is the most viewed video on Youtube right now (hopefully not for long). Girls basically LOVE him. On the other hand, boys tend to call him gay. No surprise, because of the high-pitched voice he has in "Baby".
Those were the Bieber Fever times ^^
Fast forward to now. Mister Bieber is planning on releasing a film about his life, called "Never Say Never". Who gives a shit ?! And it's in 3D. Brilliant, the little girls will be happy to have a Justin Bieber coming towards them. He also made a song for the new Karate Kid movie, "Never Say Never" also featuring Jaden Smith (Will Smith's son). So it's double the "Never Say Never".
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Baby, Baber, Bieber Oh !
Posted by iamjo5h on 08:06. - No comments
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