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Monday, 31 January 2011

TRON: Legacy

I went to see this movie at last week-end and I thought it was great ! But I'm here to tell you why it's overexposed.
First of all, the fucking soudtrack, which consists of shitty electro-shite songs (apart from Derezzed that is actually good, was all over iTunes and Amazon and in every single music store. Bitch, we don't want fucking soundtrack, we want FILM ! And they make them look all special because it's fucking Daft Punk who made SOME of them --'
Then some fucking Tron-themed headphones came out by Monster Beats, and seriously, who would buy TRON headphones for fucking 500$ ?! That is HALF A GRAND !!! So fuck this !
While doing some research I came a cross some Tron shoes by Adidas. What the fuck is going on ?! They have some sort of fucking lights in them... is it to improve night vision or just to look like a total fucktard walking down the street ? Adidas, just stick to what you do best: sport wear.
A couple of months ago the TRON rage was already out there, and Audi and Mercedes made some Tron cars... I am not getting it. I really do not know what is happening. It's like "Oh hey, shall we make a Tron Car ?" "Will we be selling it?" "No we'll just build it to show off"
Bitch, why the fuck do you even need to build that thing !? For absolutely no reason, so get back to make your overpriced cars.
Then there's all the geeky stuff like Xbox controllers, computer mouses (mice?), computer keyboards, and I even think they made a Tron themed Xbox !!!

The movie was basically a remake of the first version, that came out in the fucking 80's I think. If I would be a film director, I wouldn't even know that film actually existed. The special-effects are better, the people are better-looking... etc... The only problem I have with this movie ? IT HAS NO FUCKING STORY ! It is all quite random. The worst part was at the end when a guy sends out this weird-ass energy wave, even though this is a technology based film. What the fuck ?

And once again we have a massively overexposed movie, ranging to Tron headphones to Tron cars, and a shit story.


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